Adult Classes

One of the most popular aerial art forms and really got a noticed through the Greatest Showman.

Hoop is a great beginner apparatus. It’s a steel hoop suspended off the ground. You’ll learn how to get into the hoop, make beautiful shapes and learn how to move with grace and strength.


Mondays 6-7pm Improver Hoop £10.50
Tuesday 7-8pm Beginner Hoop
Saturday 3.15-4.30pm Intermediate Hoop £12.50
Sunday 1.30-2.30pm Beginner Hoop £10.50

If you like a challenge, then aerial silks is for you! Silks is two pieces of suspended fabric that you climb and wrap yourself in. There’s so much to discover and explore.

Silks requires a lot of strength and brainwork. It’s helpful if you can already carry your bodyweight in your arms. If you’re a strong climber or gymnast or have done a lot of aerial hoop, you’ll find you can progress quicker.


Sundays 2.30-3.30pm Beginner/Improver Silks £10.50
Wednesday 6.15-7.30pm Intermediate Silks £12.50
Wednesday 7.30-8.30pm Beginner Silks £10.50

A newer aerial art form that presents shapes and sequences performed in a suspened loop of fabric.

This is a good apparatus for beginners to start on as it teaches many of the fundamental shapes and movements in a supported way


Thursday 4 Week Beginner Course 5.30-6.30pm £42
Starting 11th January
Thursdays 6.30-7.30pm Improver+ Sling £11


Trapeze is the the classic aerial equipment, but is really underestimated currently. We love it! We teach single point to trapeze, which lets you spin and use the ropes in interesting way.

It’s a great introduction to aerial as it gets you familiar with both metal bar equipment and material like rope and silks.

Mondays 6-7pm Beginner Trapeze £10.50


If you’d like to have a private session for up to 4 people prices are as follows:

1-1 £40
1-2 £40
1-3 £45
1-4 £50

Email for availabilty.

Have Fun, Get Strong,

Be Amazing